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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Want to improve SEO on a Blogspot Blogger blog? This tutorial discusses how bloggers can optimize their blog using SEO techniques to improve indexing of their Blogger Blogspot blog and achieve a better ranking in search engine results.

In this article I will be discussing the following Blogger help tips for SEO:

· Adding Your Blogger Blog to Major Search Engines
· Optimizing Blogger Post Titles
· Utilizing Meta Keywords and a Meta Description
· Using Keywords in Alt Tags and Image Titles
· Using Target Keywords in Your Post Content
· Optimizing Blogger Title Tags
· Optimizing Your Blogger Permalinks
· Making Use of HTML Heading Tags Within Posts and Post Titles
· Adding Breadcrumb Navigation to your Blogger Blog

Get Your Blog Listed by Major Search Engines

Getting listed in the major search engines is a must if you want to get traffic from search engines. I have written several in depth articles about how to add a sitemap to major search engines and how to add your blog to Google, Yahoo and MSN so I will not repeat myself. Follow these articles for step by step walkthroughs

Optimize Your Blogger Post Titles

Major search engines lend a lot of weight to titles so it is important that you craft your post titles carefully. To optimize your post titles make them keyword rich and ensure the title clearly explains what the blog post is about. Try to put your keywords at the beginning of your title for best results and avoid repeating your keywords within the title. Avoid long titles as Google only displays about 65 characters in the search results anyway.

Title tags are important if your Blogger blog is to attract traffic and rank in search engine results. On your blog home page the blog title appears between the title tags while on each individual post page it is the name of the article itself. While the title tags themselves are unseen by the visitor to your blog they are read when search engines crawl your blog.

Search engines use title tags to display your post title as a headline in search engine results. Search engines also display a description of the article either by extracting it from the post content usually by picking up the first 150 characters of your post or by reading the meta description of the post if one exists.

Meta descriptions can be crafted for individual posts in Blogger to good effect. Make descriptions unique for each post and ensure they contain your target keywords and keyword phrases to encourage search engines to extract snippets from them. To find out more about adding a meta description to an individual post please see my article Adding Meta Tags to Blogger Blogspot Blog for Better SEO

Add Meta Tags and Blog Description to Blogger

Adding meta keywords and a blog description to your Blogger Blogspot blog can boost your rankings by helping visitors locate your blog using keyword and keyword phrases. To find out the best method of inserting these into your Blogger blog please refer to my article about Adding Meta Tags to Blogger Blogspot Blog for Better SEO

Use Keywords in Alt Tags and Image Titles

Optimize the images used on your blog by making use of the alt tags and image titles. For some tips on SEO and images please refer to 10 Tips to Build Site Traffic for a Blogspot Blog

Use Target Keywords in Your Post Content

Make sure you know your targeted keywords and use them within your post content. One of the factors in determining rankings is the relevance of the targeted keywords in relationship to the text that appears in the post content.

Change the Order of Post Title and Blog Title for Better SEO

One key change you can make to Blogger that will markedly improve the SEO of your blog is to adjust the title tags.

By default Blogger title tags are not optimized for search engines. The name of the blog appears before the name of the article which is not search engine friendly. Since search engines read left to right and give preference to what appears first having your blog name display before your post title is significant. To improve SEO it pays to adjust the order of title tags so that the your post title appears first:

Blog Title | Post Title to Post Title | Blog Title

To find out how to adjust the title tags of a Blogger Blogspot blog please refer to my article Adjust Blogger Title Tags to Improve SEO

Optimize Your Blogger Permalinks

Hand in hand with a title tag is the permanent permalink that is created when a post is published. If the title of the post is more than about 35 characters long you will strike problems with Blogger because it will shorten the title to a 35-40 character permalink. Some very ugly results happen because of this factor. For instance imagine a permalink such as:

A totally useless permalink results because the blogger keyword has been left off. Learn more about crafting titles and working around the limitations of Blogger permalinks in my article How to Create Search Engine Friendly Permalinks

Improve SEO by Making Use of Headings for Post Titles
Heading tags are important for optimal SEO. Most Blogger.com
templates use html header tags sized <h2> or <h3> for the post title. In the past major search engines like Google gave precedence to tags with <h1> ahead of anything else but how important <h1> tags are today is less certain. You could tweak the heading size of your post title if you wish however take care to ensure the look of your template isn't compromised. A bigger font will result and this may mean other parts of your blog will need to be adjusted to compensate. To find out what size your blog title is look for the following lines in your template.

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
<b:if cond='data:post.link'>
<a expr:href='data:post.link'>&t/a>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'></a>

As can be seen this template blog title is in <h3>. To change the size of the tags just substitute the appropriate header tag where <h3> appears

Improve SEO By Making Use of Heading Tags Within Posts

Heading tags can be used to good effect in your posts. Make sure you have only one <h1> heading per page if you have one at all and reserve this for your post title. Make use of <h2> and <h3> headings throughout your post to emphasize key points and targeted keywords. Major search engines do take notice of <h2> and <h3> headings when crawling your blog. To add emphasis to a heading within your blog simply enclose the heading in <h3> tags.

Add Breadcrumb Navigation to your Blogger Blog

There is a hack that can be used to add breadcrumb navigation to a Blogger Blogspot blog. Adding breadcrumb navigation can boost your SEO of your blog as well as improving how readers get around.

A breadcrumb provides text-based navigation by displaying the visitor's location within a blog. A breadcrumb provides shortcuts to enable visitors to quickly get around your blog and jump from one part of your blog to another. For example a breadcrumb for a post about meta tags would be Home > Meta Tags >Add Meta Tags to Blogger for Better SEO. An anchor text such as 'meta tags' tells search engines about the subject of the linked page. Search engines view a breadcrumb with a text link to relevant keywords in the post as important.

This article has focused on providing you with solid Blogger SEO advice, tips and tricks for the Blogspot Blogger. It will help you achieve good SEO results for your blog. Good luck. If you have time let me know about your experiences.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Goto this link  http://www.mapmyplace.com/calc/
you show this

then select ZTE nck finder and unlocker

then enter your IMEI number

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Windows 7 by default has only few themes available for customization. People who are not satisfied with these in build themes can get few more themes for Windows 7 which are actually hidden. These themes are available for certain regional countries such as Australia, Canada, Great Britain, United States and South Africa. These themes can be revealed and used by the following steps.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This post is about another crack/Hack . Today im going to write about simple,100% free , and fast method to unlock huawei HSDPA (3G,3.5G) dongles/Modems.
You can use this feature for unlock these huawei modems


If you are using Vodafone Huawei E220 modem and if it’s unlocked to a particular network. No worries here is the solution for it. This is the steps that i did to unlock my modem.

follow these steps and you can unlock your Huawei E220 with less than 10 minutes.

You need some software for this process. don’t worry, you can download all the software you need to unlock for free.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


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Product Description

This product can help IT manager or PC`s owner keeping their computer operating system running well for ever. Each time you using the card, the computer's operating system will be recovered to the original status while you just have installed this card. So that it can reduce maintenance cost and time. It's very suitable for internet cafe, school, training center, government, hospital, enterprise and other place where the computers are used by public person.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wireless enthusiasts have been repurposing satellite dishes for a couple years now. This summer the longest link ever was established over 125 miles using old 12 foot and 10 foot satellite dishes. A dish that big is usually overkill for most people and modern mini-dishes work just as well. The dish helps focus the radio waves onto a directional antenna feed.We're building a biquad antenna feed because it offers very good performance and is pretty forgiving when it comes to assembly errors.

Follow along as we assemble the feed,attach it to a DirecTV dish and test out its performance.Why? With just a handful of cheap parts, a salvaged DirecTV dish and a little soldering, we were able to detect access points from over 8 miles away. Using consumer WiFi gear we picked up over 18 APs in an area with only 1 house per square mile.

Building the antenna

Biquad antennas can be built from common materials, which is nice because you don't have to scrounge around for the perfectly-sized soup can. We did have to buy some specialized parts before getting started though.

The most important part here is the small silver panel mount N-connector in the center of the picture; the entire antenna will be built on this. We purchased it from S.M. Electronics,part# 1113-000N331-011.
The "N-connector" is standard across the majority of commercial antennas and you can connect them to your wireless devices using "pigtails." The longer pigtail in the picture is a RP-TNC to N-Male pigtail that we'll use to connect our antenna to a Linksys WRT54G access point. The short pigtail is a RP-MMCX to N-Male pigtail so we can connect to our Sena o 2511CD PLUS EXT2 WiFi card which is pictured.
purchased 10 feet of WBC 400 coax cable so we wouldn't have to sit with the dish in our lap.We got our surplus Direct V dish from Free cycle. We'll cover the reason for the mini butane torch later.Trevor Marshall built one of the first bi quad WiFi antennas found on the internet.

The wire is standard solid-core 3-conductor wire used for most house wiring.We didn't have any copper printed circuit board material laying around sowe used this thin sheet of copper and supported it using the 1/4-inch thick blackplastic pictured.The first step in building the element was stripping and cutting a
244mm length of wire.

We marked the wire every 31mm with a permanent marker and began bending the wire into a double diamond shape.We tried to make the length of each leg 30.5mm.

The easiest way to make really sharp bends in the solid copper wire is to use two pairs of pliers.With the pliers held perpendicular to each other bend the wire against one of the sets of jaws.

The element with all bends completed:

Next we cut out a 110mm square of black plastic to use as a base for the reflector.We drilled a hole in the center to clear our connector.

We then soldered a piece of copper wire to the center pin of our N-connector.

Next we soldered a piece of of wire to the outside of the connector.We ran into some trouble here. Our cheap iron was not capable of getting the connector's base hot enough to make a good solder joint. We bought a butane torch and used that to heat up the surfaces. This worked pretty well except it the soldered our center pin.We recommend you solder the outside piece of wire first before doing the center one.

After the connector had cooled it was attached to the black plastic base using epoxy.The thin copper sheet was attached to the front with epoxy and trimmed to fit.We let the epoxy cure for a while before proceeding.
The next step was to solder our bow tie shaped element to the vertical wires.The element was supported by two pieces of scrap copper trimmed to 15mm to ensure proper positioning.

Then the extra wire was trimmed off and the outside wire was soldered to the ground plane to complete the antenna.

To make mounting to the dish easy we modified the original feed horn. Here is what it originally looked like.

After removing the housing, internal components and shortening the feed horn looked like this.

The antenna is attached by inserting the N-connector into the tube and then connecting the coax cable.

Here is a picture of the final antenna assembly ready to be attached to the dish.

Since the satellite dish has an off-center feed it looks like it is pointed at the ground when it is level with the horizon. Even though there are no angle markings for setting the dish at 0 degrees inclination we can still ensure that the dish is pointing at the horizon by setting the dish angle to 45 degrees and mounting it on a tube with a 45 degree angle.

Test results

The Engadget Corn Belt Testing Facility has broadband access provided by a local WISP.So we knew if we plugged in our antenna we were sure to pick up something in the area.We pointed the dish at the closest grain elevator, where the WISP mounts their antennas.We connected the dish feed to our Sena o card and started up Kismet.

We expected to get one AP, but five is even better. Looking through the info strings we were able to determine where the APs were since the WISP had named them according to the town they are in. The AP on channel 5 is the one we pointed at in town A,2.4 miles away. The AP on channel 6 is located in town B, 8.2 miles away. The two APs on channel 1 are a bridge between town A and town C which is located 2.6 miles directly behind the dish.Our next test was to hook our WRT54G up to the dish and point it at a hill 1 mile away. We drove to the top of the hill and used an omnidirectional mini whip antenna with our Sena o card to detect it.

Our router was picked up easily. The found 14 other WISP APs including town D,7.8 miles away.The WISP is definitely using some high powered equipment if we're just picking this up with an omnidirectional antenna.For a final test we put the dish on the roof rack and parked on top of the hill to see if we could pick up any more APs.

Our final count is 18 APs, 17 of those belonging to the WISP. This was a pretty fun project and shows that you can build decent wireless solutions using consumer gear.For the curious: The WISP gives its subscribers a patch antenna with a built in power over-Ethernet access point.Once the antenna is mounted to the roof they run a single Ethernet cable into the house which means they don't have to worry about signal loss from coax.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm going to show how to up your poor signal strength


1.Find a can that is about 4 inches wide in diameter and about 6 inches long. You may be able to solder several cans together to meet the length requirements.

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